VLC skin Restoration on ubuntu

I wanted a new look for my vlc, so i downloaded and installed it. It does not work any more and it does not give me any of the option buttons so i could change back… I have removed it, purged it but still wont work… FINALLY I GOT IT WORKING BACK TO DEFAULT.

In the terminal I did the following

//This will delete the vlc application

sudo apt-get remove vlc —purge

//this will delete the configuration files

sudo rm -Rv ~/.local/share/vlc

//Reinstalling vlc

sudo apt-get install vlc

This should be able to help you RESTRORE the fun…

By yaomereku Posted in Ubuntu

2012 | Come what may…

With all the research outcomes and theories, I seriously think  we should look into this more. I hope at the end the governments around the world will not go board the ‘Noah’s Ark in China’ —oops!— Too much info.

Anyways for those who do not understand or know what i am talking about, Youtube 2012 .

With strong conviction a number of scientist have concluded that there will be a major world wide catastrophe on 21 December 2012 which will cause a world wide extinction of species . Many christians do not believe it, this is because it is not biblical. I am not sure what i believe but what i do know is that science has proves of it claims.

OK! I know Jesus Christ said no one knew the second coming, not even the angles in heaven, I am very sure science was not talking about that.  Science and research has never predicted the second coming,  but they have  predicted claimatic desastors which as a matter of fact came to past, what science is talking about in 2012 is another prediction in climate. Many church folks dont believe this… yoooo!

We can embrace it and prepare for it, and have FAITH that it will not happen and that God is merciful OR we could brush it off as a thing of the scholars and face our FATE in 2012, December 21.

Quick visit:



This question has been on my mine for some time now. Well if the Bible does not teach us anything at all it teaches us that we would be judged according to our works, then I guess some will be very obedient than some, others good, some better, some best. If thats the case our joy will depend on our dids, good or evil. If there is only one heaven then i guess paul was wrong to say the things he said when he discribed the three heavens he saw in the vision. Then I guess Christ would not have said ” In my fathers kingdom (ie. Heaven) there are many mansions”. Christ said what he said because he knew some of us will be more rightous in our dids towards the father than others, thus the parable of the talents… What do you think about HEAVEN? The bible teaches ONE BIG HEAVEN with Three divisions to serve our levels of obedience.

Which is the most Correct Bible?

I was wandering which of the bible versions is the most correct. For sometime now people are coming out with other editions of the bible. I know the the bible was originally Hebrew, anyways What i also do know is that the first english edition was king james. As for this new editions coming out, so called simple and plain are only robing the rest of Gods children of the purity and authensity in the scriptures.

MODx Content Management System


I have tried a lot of CMS’s but I have not seen anything yet like modx. I have this feeling its going to be one of the worlds best when people really get to know of it.

With MODx you enjoy the following

  1. Template Dependency: You can change templates for individual pages or groups
  2. Front and Back end access
  3. Inbuilt Blogger
  4. Easy HTML template development
  5. DEFAULT WISWIW editor
  6. Extensible
  7. KOOL backend navigation
  8. Easy Linking of pages
  9. WEB2. compliant
  10. ……and many more!…..

Visit MODx

Download Latest Version

By yaomereku Posted in Modx


I was wondering if I could reinstall a package i have remove without the internet. Technically if u have installed it before then it should be in the repository.

so i did

sudo apt-get install –no-download “this is where u put the packages u want to reinstall”

this will install without downloading from the net. If its not working then synaptic have removed those packages perhaps over 30 days in the repo.

checking what you have in the downloaded repo.

cd /var/cache/apt/archives/

here u can check which packages exist.

Open Access (OA) and Institutional Repository (IR) Workshop

Open Access (OA) and Institutional Repository (IR): New models for scholarly communication workshop was held from 12 – 13 June 2007, Accra Ghana.

I was part of the participants during the workshop which was held at the ICT Directorate of the University of Ghana, Legon.

Open Access activist from all over the world shared their works and achievements.

I could not really understand the technical terms used from the beginning, i grub-loaded as the sessions went on.

I was suppose to be designing a portal for a digital village project but my supervisor asked me to sub for him at this workshop.

Interestingly everyone there had something to do with books and libraries which i did not have much of an Idea of.
1. Catherine Dubbeld
2. Susan Veldsman
3.Smith Essah
4.Charl Roberts
5.Helena Asamoah-Hassan
6. Dr. Dale Peters
7. Monica Hammes

Though I was enjoying the presentations, I could not wait to get back to the hotel where we lodged. ERATA Hotel. The food and everything was great.

Henry Addo came over with his laptop so we could work on a project overnight. Well that did not actually happen because we were busy doing our individual stuff.

In all I have learned that the way forward for our literature archiving bodies is digitization.
Though I have heard of a lot of elibrary opensource materials I really got to learn some kewl ones like DSpace, Greenstone, Fedora/*** ,etc

We all made some plans about what we were going to do later when we got back to our institutions.

Mine was to do what i did best. Play around the packages and see if I can set it up somewhere.
There is a lot to say but thats all i can say for now.

Malarial or Typhoid / Doctor or Computer

Sometimes its ok to just diagnose yourself before u fine out what the doctors’ got to say. I had all this sick symptoms in the morning, when i got to the office i googled them together. Clearly the computer said I had Typhoid. Next day i go to the hospital took a test, everything was negative, the Doc suggested it could be malarial. I started getting some anti virus’. BOOOOM! In three days I went back to the hospital this time the test said i had Typhoid. THREE DAYS!!!! I could have CRUSHED!! HMMM! LISTEN people, google at home before you get to the hospital. With google you get a lot of doctors trying to help you and not just one freek!!!